Using the Catalog


No, your eyes do not deceive you – it’s different.  Better, actually.  We’ve moved to a new system called Koha, and we’re really excited about it!  

While this should feel familiar, here are some videos to show you around!


Searching the OPAC (that’s Librarian-speak for the Online Public Access Catalog)

A tutorial on how to search your library Catalog – it should all feel very familiar!  Also includes some Advanced features!


Logging Into Your Account

The advantages are endless on what you can do on the OPAC once you are logged into your account. Search and place holds on items at your library, tag items, make purchase suggestions, create lists, share information and so much more. To log into your account on your public library catalog, you will need your user name and password, which is the same as it was before!


Changing your password in the Catalog  

Yes!  YOU control your account security!  Awesome!


Using the Cart Feature 

This video will show you how to use the Cart Feature on the Public Library Catalog. A cart is a temporary holding place for records you’re interested in finding during a particular session. That means that once you log out of the OPAC or close the browser you lose the items in your cart.


Reading History and Privacy 

You can now save your reading history, if you want to.  We haven’t in the past, because of the USA PATRIOT Act, which gives Law Enforcement the right to see your reading history without your permission. (It was a Big Deal for libraries, when that happened.)  In our new system, you can choose for that history to be accessible.  So, you’ll always know which books in a series you’ve read, or can look up the title of that great read you want to recommend to someone but can’t… quite… remember… the name of it…


Placing Holds Online

Place a hold, suspend a hold, make a comment on a book…  sure!  Why not?

And of course, you can always come by and let us walk you through it, or call your friendly Library Staff at 766-6420 for help!