Lḵóot – Jilḵáat Storyboard

The storyboard is available for public use in the library during open hours.

You can also browse the Storyboard online at www.cvstoryboard.org.


The Lḵóot – Jilḵáat Storyboard in action:

Dr. Thomas Thornton speaks about Tlingit place names and the Lḵóot – Jilḵáat Storyboard, and receives an award at the Haines Library:

A presentation by Erik Stevens about the storyboard and how it was developed:

Joe Hotch and Harriet Brouilette unveil the storyboard:

The storyboard is part of the Crossing Boundaries through Communication project, cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and lifelong learning.