Internet Use Agreement

By using a library computer you agree to abide by the following Internet Use Agreement and Policies while accessing the Internet at the Haines Borough Public Library.
In response to advances in technology and the changing needs of the community, the Haines Borough Public Library endeavors to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of our diverse, multicultural community. It is within this context that access to the Internet is offered.

CONTROL: The Haines Borough Public Library does not monitor and does not control the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population and Library patrons use it at their own risk. Availability of Internet resources does not imply endorsement of them.

WHO MAY USE THE INTERNET: All Internet resources accessible through the Library are provided equally to all Library users. Staff is available for assistance on the use of the Internet and the Library’s computers.

PARENTAL CONTROL: As with all Library resources, the Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians, NOT Library staff, to determine and monitor their minor children’s use of the Internet/Email. (Minors are defined in this policy as people under the age of 18 years.) Parents are responsible for their minor’s use of the Library’s resources and facilities. Parents who believe that their minor cannot responsibly use the Library’s Internet access are requested to monitor their minor’s Internet use.

LEGALITY: All existing Haines Borough, State of Alaska, U.S laws and municipal and Library policies apply to users of Library computer resources. Violation or attempted violation of any laws, regulations or policies or Library system security may result in loss of Library privileges and possible civil or criminal penalties.
Among the uses considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of this policy are the following:
Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law: Transmitting of offensive or harassing messages; offering for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by law; viewing, transmitting or downloading pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law; downloading or transmitting confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials. Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol, users should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials for use.
Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property: Engaging in defamation (harming another’s reputation by lies); uploading a worm, virus, “trojan horse,” “time bomb” or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participating in “hacking” activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems.
Uses that jeopardize the security of access of the computer network or other networks on the Internet: Disclosing or sharing the user’s password with others; impersonating another user using one’s own software programs on the Library’s computers; altering the Library’s computer settings; damaging or modifying computer equipment or software.
Uses that compromise the safety and security of minors when using email, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications: Minors under age 18: Giving others private information about oneself or others, including credit card numbers and social security numbers; arranging a face-to-face meeting with someone one has “met” on the computer network or Internet without a parent’s permission.
Uses that Violate Confidentiality of Information: The Alaska Confidentiality of Library Records AK Sec40.25.140 prohibits unauthorized disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal information regarding Library users, including minors. Personally identifiable information about users may not be disclosed or used in any way, except to law enforcement authorities as provided in the law. (See next section for procedures.)
Uses that are in violation of obscenity laws or are harmful to minors: The Library prohibits use of computers for accessing visual depictions that are (1) obscene, (2) child pornography, or (3) harmful to minors as defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47USC Section 254 (h)H7).

CONFIDENTIALITY: Any information which identifies Internet users with specific materials or subject matter is considered confidential. Such records shall not be made available to any agency or local, state or federal government except pursuant to such process, order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of federal, state or local law relating to criminal, civil, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power. The Haines Borough Public Library resists the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction. If a court order is presented, the staff or volunteer should refer server to the Library Director. The Library Director should contact the Borough attorney for legal advice and permission to release records.

RELIABILITY: The Haines Borough Public Library does not warrant the accuracy, correctness or suitability of any information or data furnished through the Internet to users. In no event shall the Haines Borough Public Library be liable to users in any way whatsoever for any claims, notwithstanding the forms of such claims, arising or resulting from or related to use of the Library’s Internet connection.

VIOLATIONS: In the event that a patron violates these policies the following consequences will be instituted:
If a patron views a site which is in violation of obscenity law or harmful to minors (Communications Act of 1934) the Library staff has the right to warn the user that their access privileges could be revoked and to ask the user to remove himself/herself from the Library equipment at that time.
Should the patron misuse the computers in this manner a second time they will lose his/her Internet/computer access for up to one year.
Should a patron be involved with any illegal act or tamper with any Library computer or other computer system they will lose their Library access to the computers for a minimum of one year. Violation or attempted violation of any laws, regulations or policies or Library system security may also result in civil or criminal penalties.