Learning to Mentor
The Dragonfly Project is a partnership program with the Chilkoot Indian Association. Originally funded by an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant the project focuses on helping individuals gain skills related to using technology. The program is multi-faceted and continues to grow and evolve.
Tech-savvy young people from ages 11 to 21 are the teachers, sharing their computer skills with others by becoming mentors. They learn how to use the library’s technology and resources, develop materials and techniques to teach concepts and skills, do community outreach, and work one-on-one with a wide variety of people.
Reaching out to the Community
Showing people how the library’s technology can benefit and enrich their lives is at the center of our program. As the program develops, we’ll be keeping you informed about the different projects the mentors are working on with their mentees. We’ll also be looking to you for suggestions.
Telling Stories about Native Traditions, Beliefs, Language, Arts, and Culture with Digital Media
With a grant from the Alaska State Library, the Dragonfly Project expanded its wings offering young people the opportunity to learn how to make movies. From July 2003 through October 2004, interested young people developed their movie-making skills to produce five short films on different Tlingit subjects. They also shared their skills with others in the community through classes and individualized instruction.
Watch one of the short films (aprox. 6:00)